Embracing the Emotions of Change

In this, one-hour course participants will learn what internal and external factors influence change. We will share how the grief cycle relates to the same emotions we feel during change. We will provide examples of ways to build resilience through change while also helping others through the process. 

Course Learning Objectives

  • Identify the internal and external factors that influence change.
  • Relate the emotions of change to the Kubler-Ross Grief Cycle.
  • Describe how different DiSC styles embrace change.
  • Demonstrate behaviors that build resilience during change.
  • Apply techniques to help others through change.

Target Audience

All Team Members 



Suggested Materials


Available Dates

Directions: Select one of the available sessions listed below. The link will take you to the Canvas platform, where you may register for the course.

Please note that registration is currently limited to Tampa General Hospital team members. 


Instructor Name

Roxanne Shoenfelt

Instructor's Organization

Tampa General Hospital
