Innovation and Change Survival Guide

Divergent thinking and creativity drive innovations and efficiency.  However, social pressures and education shape a person's conformity.  Participants will watch a video, conduct a reflective exercise (Escaping your Comfort Zone), apply open-minded responses to creative ideas, and discuss a case study (Physicians of the Future). 

Course Learning Objectives

  • Understand why creativity is one of the most important job skills in the workplace
  • Describe how socialization and educational practices undermine creative thinking
  • Explain the upsides and downsides of conformity
  • Define creativity and the divergent and convergent constructs 
  • Understand how to improve performance through deliberate creative practices
  • Devise a more positive and open-minded response to creative ideas 

Target Audience

Valets to Vascular Surgeons 



Suggested Materials

  1. "Creativity as a Life Skill" TEDx Talk - Dr. Gerard Puccio (18:42)  

Available Dates

Directions: Select one of the available sessions listed below. The link will take you to the Canvas platform, where you may register for the course.

Please note that registration is currently limited to Tampa General Hospital team members. 


Instructor Name

Mark L. Raney Sr, D.B.A.

Instructor's Organization

University of South Florida, Prairie Fire Consultants, LLC.
