Cybersecurity 101

Information technology has become integrated into every aspect of our daily lives.  This integration has, unfortunately, created vulnerabilities that leave us susceptible to data breaches at every turn. This engaging course will highlight the most common vulnerabilities and expose students to cybersecurity basics. This knowledge will allow students to have a better understanding of how to create and operate in a more secure environment.

Course Learning Objectives

  • Provide a brief history of cybersecurity
  • Discuss the importance of cybersecurity to include data security (Protected Health Information (PHI), Personal Identifiable Information (PII))
  • Understand the basics of creating a more secure environment (workplace, home, mobile, traveling)
  • Exposure to the anatomy of a cybersecurity attack and the different types of malicious software (malware).

Target Audience

All Team Members 



Suggested Materials


Available Dates

Directions: Select one of the available sessions listed below. The link will take you to the Canvas platform, where you may register for the course.

Please note that registration is currently limited to Tampa General Hospital team members. 


Instructor Name

Marcus Green

Instructor's Organization

Socratec Cybersecurity
